Tuesday, November 02, 2004


In the spirit of Blog the Vote I thought I would put up my own little election story here.

I have voted in every possible election since I was eligible (because I have a summer birthday I began at age 17!) - that includes primary, school board, library, etc. I have never seen as many people show up to vote as I saw this morning. My wife and I showed up early this morning and were in line for about an hour. Our neighbors, who have the misfortune to have last names late in the alphabet, waited nearly two hours! Turnout in some counties in this area has been forecast near 80%.

Usually when we see long voting lines, we think of a brand new democracy, a country where people have only just won the right to vote. At home in the US we have become accustomed to much lower turnout. It was a very refreshing change, and for once, I didn't mind waiting in line.

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