Friday, November 20, 2009

Worthy of The Onion

When the Ann Arbor Chronicle pointed out an article in the Tampa Bay Business Journal critical of a subsidiary of Detroit-base Issue Media Group, I found my way to 83 Degrees Tampa Bay, which offers Tampa Bay-area humor about economic development issues, some of which matches the best of The Onion:

- Local Woman Aspires to Under-Employment
- Best Places to Be Laid Off From (funny enough to let the grammar slide!)
- Economics Professor Just Doesn't Get It

1 comment:

83 Degrees Magazine said...

I am awed to be compared to the onion! I love that paper.

You are right about the grammar on the Best Places to be laid off from; I took the jist of the piece from a local hack business writer doing his "Best Places to Work" competition. So while I agree I can say it was lead into that poor quality by a columnist.